Wednesday, March 3, 2010

168***888*** SLH*** JHS*** 168***888***888*** 168***JHS***SLH***

Written by Leonardo Delizo, PhD, MSBA


1. Competent. Form a mental picture of yourself as being a competent, effective, and successful person. Hold that image firmly in mind and do not let any self-doubt erase it. Presently your mental processes will go to work to actualize this image of yourself.
2. Cancel. Whenever a negative thought about yourself and your qualifications comes to mind, immediately cancel it out as unworthy, untrue, and unrealistic. The more vigorously you cancel it out, the weaker it will become, until it will disappear altogether.
3. Obstacles. Never build up an obstacle of any kind in your mind. See an obstacle realistically, then affirm that--- with God’s help---- you can handle it successfully.
4. Awed. Don’t ever be awed by any other person or group of persons. Never copy anyone else. There is only one you, and that makes you special. So have respect for yourself as you are and regard others fearlessly.
5. Ten. Ten powerful words emphasized and believed can cure all inferiority and inadequacy feeling. Repeat these ten words at least ten times every day ---- aloud preferably. Say them as you go to sleep so that they may seep into the unconscious. Here are the words: “If God be for us, who can be against us?” (Rom. 8:31). Substitute “me” for “us.”
6. Understand. When you understand the reasons for your inferiority feelings you are on your way to victory over them. To know and to understand is the beginning of healing. Inferiority feelings usually begin in childhood and often become overlaid with mystery. This creates a tendency to accept them as final. But they are not natural, they are acquired. Understand them, and be free.
7. Strengthen. The victim of inferiority feels weak and ineffective. He isn’t, really. But thinking so means he must be built up in strength. Repetition of the following words will enhance strength: "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” (Phil. 4:13)
8. Estimate. Thoughtfully and realistically, with complete honesty, estimate your abilities. Then, to compensate for negative under-evaluation, raise the estimate 10 per cent. Don’t worry about becoming egotistical. Work to develop a wholesome, normal self-respect.
9. Spiritual. The person who suffers from inferiority is low in spiritual vitality. Increasing the spiritual content in your thinking will normalize you as a child of God. Affirmative prayer ---- in which you give thanks to God for the enhanced spiritual force now operating within you --- is effective.
10. Partnership. Realize that you are not facing life alone but that you have a partner, a great senior Partner, who always stands by to guide and help you. How can anything defeat that great partnership of God and yourself? With God, you will be equal to every demand made upon you.

Source: Norman Vincent Peale

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